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Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells Excel For Mac

четверг 12 марта admin 50
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This Excel tutorial explains how to center text across multiple cells in Excel 2016 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells Excel For Mac

See solution in other versions of Excel:

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Question: I want to center text across multiple cells in Microsoft Excel 2016 but I don't want to have to merge the cells. How can I do this?

Answer: Select the cells that you wish to center the text across.

The Format Cells dialog box opens, and you can click any of the tabs, to change the formatting options for the selected cells. Show the Color Spectrum. To show an electromagnetic spectrum in a range of 6 cells, you can use a 2-color gradient fill in each cell. Thanks to Robert Lepper, for sharing this tip.

TIP: The text that you are trying to center must be in the left most cell (first cell) of the selected range.

Right-click and then select 'Format Cells' from the popup menu.

When the Format Cells window appears, select the Alignment tab. Click on 'Center Across Selection' in the drop-down box called Horizontal.

Now when you return to your spreadsheet, you should see the text centered across the cells that you selected.

This tutorial on using conditional formatting to highlight dates is brought to us by MVP Frédéric Le Guen, with special acknowledgment and thanks to Ken Puls for assistance with translation from French to English.

Date functions in Excel make it is possible to perform date calculations, like addition or subtraction, resulting in automated or semi-automated worksheets. The NOW function, which calculates values based on the current date and time, is a great example of this.

Taking this functionality a step further, when you mix date functions with conditional formatting, you can create spreadsheets that display date alerts automatically when a deadline is near or differentiates between types of days, like weekends and weekdays.

The basics of conditional formatting for dates

To find conditional formatting for dates, go to

Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > A Date Occuring.

You can select the following date options, ranging from yesterday to next month:

These 10 date options generate rules based on the current date. If you need to create rules for other dates (e.g., greater than a month from the current date), you can create your own new rule.

Below are step-by-step instructions for a few of my favorite conditional formats for dates.

Highlighting weekends

When you design an automated calendar you don’t need to color the weekends yourself. With the conditional formatting tool, you can automatically change the colors of weekends by basing the format on the WEEKDAY function. Assume that you have the date table–a calendar without conditional formatting:

To change the color of the weekends, open the menu Conditional Formatting > New Rule

In the next dialog box, select the menu Use a formula to determine which cell to format.

In the text box Format values where this formula is true, enter the following WEEKDAY formula to determine whether the cell is a Saturday (6) or Sunday (7):


The parameter 2 means Saturday = 6 and Sunday = 7. This parameter is very useful to test for weekends.

NetPerSec is a lightweight Windows application that displays the rate of network traffic at your current computer. NetPerSec monitors all TCP/IP activity to and from the Internet or other networks. Netpersec download for mac windows 10. Originally written by Mark Sweeney in year 2001, NetPerSec is distributed by PC Magazine and Ziff Davis Media. The official product page is NetPerSec (a paid download). This page features an updated version of the program by Nayuki in 2016 – the functionality is slightly improved and the source code is heavily cleaned up.

Note: In this case, you must lock the reference of the row so that the conditional format will work correctly in the other cells in this table.

Then, customize the format of your condition by clicking on the Format button and you choose a fill color (orange in this example).

Click OK, then open Conditional Formatting> Manage Rules

Select This Worksheet to see theworksheet rules instead of thedefault selection. In Applies to, change the range that corresponds to your initial selection when creating your rules to extend it to the whole column.

Now you will see a different color for the weekends. Note: This example shows the result in the Excel Web App.

Highlighting holidays

To enrich the previous workbook, you could also color-code holidays. To do that, you need a column with the holidays you’d like to highlight in your workbook (but not necessarily in the same sheet). In our example, we have US public holidays in column AH (as related to the year in the cell B2).

Again, open the menu Conditional Formatting > New Rule. In this case, we use the formula COUNTIF in order to count if the number of public holidays in the current month is greater than 1.


Then, in the dialog box Manage Rules, select the range B4:AF11. If you want to highlight the holidays over the weekends, you move the public holiday rule to the top of the list.

This example in the Excel Web App below shows the result. Change the value of the month and the year to see how the calendar has a different format.

Highlighting delays

In case we want to change the color of cells based on our approach on a date again, we will use conditional formatting to make it work for us.

In the following example, we show:

  • yellow dates between 1 and 2 months
  • orange dates between 2 and 3 months
  • purple dates more than 3 months

We then construct three rules conditional formatting using formula DATEDIF . Respectively for the three cases the following formulas:




In the Excel Web App below, try changing some dates to experiment with the result.

Color scales

Rather than choose a different color set for each period in our timeframe, we will work with the option of color scales to color our cells.

First, go into a new column (column E), calculate the difference in number of days in a year again with the DATEDIF formula and the parameter “yd”.


Then choose the menu Conditional Formatting> New Rule option Format all cells based on their value and choose the following options:

  • Scale = 3 colors
  • Minimum = 0 red
  • Midpoint = 10 yellow
  • Maximum = 30 white

The result is a gradient color scale with nuances from white to red through yellow. The closer to 0, the more red it will have, the closer to 10 the more yellow, and the closer to 30 the more white. In the Excel Web App below, try changing some dates to experiment with the result.

Frédéric Le Guen